Two brother's dedicated to saving the honey bees. Our paths in life took us in different directions and after 25 years of separate successful ventures we took advantage of the opportunity to join forces and start a new business supporting honey bees in the spring of 2018. We hope to become your one stop for all things supporting the honey bee and their beekeepers. Life is better with bees.
Michael is an entrepreneur with years of experience in creating viable business models. Twenty five years ago he formed a partnership founding Little Guys Movers. From the the humble beginnings of two guys scrapping together $26 for a classified ad resulting in their first job netting $40 reinvested to purchase a 2 wheeled dolly they built a company that in 5 years grossed $250,000 annually. Little Guys Movers now has 14 locations and growing, relying upon the same basic model of service beyond all and commitment to do whatever it takes. Abilities developed through this experience required the management of limited resources in a heavily seasonal business running multiple crews for a variety in scale of client commitments all requiring fluid transitions of all the various components that constantly shifted while doing the actual moving work. Currently Michael owns and operates Misty Vapor serving the Gainesville, Texas community and surrounding area.
Gary's first career was in photojournalism, he spent 16 years working in various roles with The Dallas Morning News' photography department. The highlight from those days was being part of the team that won the 2006 Pulitzer Prize for breaking news photography for their coverage of Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath. After Gary left the newspaper he focused his efforts on investing and also built a commercial photography business. Having spent 25 years plus in some form of photography businesses, it was time to re-focus and start something new. Honey bees completely satisfied his desire to work outdoors and give back to mother nature. It's multi-faceted with many avenues for growth, always new challenges to overcome and fits right into Gary's need for creative problem solving and love for the outdoors.